
The North Dakota Private Investigation & Security Board is a governor appointed board that licenses and regulates the Private Investigation and Security industries. The board must consist of not less than five nor more than eleven members appointed for staggered four year terms. Appointees to the board must be knowledgeable in private investigative or private security matters. A majority of the members of the board must be actively engaged in the private investigative or security profession.

POWERS OF THE BOARD: The board shall establish by rule the qualifications and procedures for classifying, qualifying, licensing, bonding, and regulating persons providing private investigative and security services, including armed security personnel. All rules adopted by the board and appeals there from must be in accordance with chapter 28-32.


"Private investigative service" means obtaining or furnishing information with reference to any act or individual.

"Private security service" means furnishing for hire security officers or other persons to protect persons or property, or to prevent the theft or the unlawful taking of goods, wares, and merchandise, money, bonds, stocks, chooses inn action, notes, or other valuable documents or papers, or the business of performing the service of such security officer or other person for any of these purposes.

Exemptions to regulation and licensing by the North Dakota Private Investigation & Security Board can be found within state statute, 43-30-02.